Commit 3f5d6074 by SunWei峰

SpringApplicationContext Over!!!

parent 04177ba3
......@@ -912,12 +912,17 @@ public class DefaultListableBeanFactory extends AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFacto
// Iterate over a copy to allow for init methods which in turn register new bean definitions.
// While this may not be part of the regular factory bootstrap, it does otherwise work fine.
// 1.创建beanDefinitionNames的副本beanNames用于后续的遍历,以允许init等方法注册新的bean定义
List<String> beanNames = new ArrayList<>(this.beanDefinitionNames);
// Trigger initialization of all non-lazy singleton beans...
// 2.遍历beanNames,触发所有非懒加载单例bean的初始化
for (String beanName : beanNames) {
// 3.获取beanName对应的MergedBeanDefinition
RootBeanDefinition bd = getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(beanName);
// 4.bd对应的Bean实例:不是抽象类 && 是单例 && 不是懒加载
if (!bd.isAbstract() && bd.isSingleton() && !bd.isLazyInit()) {
// 5.判断 bean 是否为 FactoryBean
if (isFactoryBean(beanName)) {
Object bean = getBean(FACTORY_BEAN_PREFIX + beanName);
if (bean instanceof SmartFactoryBean<?> smartFactoryBean && smartFactoryBean.isEagerInit()) {
......@@ -925,14 +930,18 @@ public class DefaultListableBeanFactory extends AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFacto
else {
// 6.如果beanName对应的bean不是 FactoryBean,只是普通Bean,通过beanName获取bean实例
// Trigger post-initialization callback for all applicable beans...
// 7.遍历 beanNames,触发所有 SmartInitializingSingleton 的后初始化回调
for (String beanName : beanNames) {
// 7.1 拿到beanName对应的bean实例
Object singletonInstance = getSingleton(beanName);
// 7.2 判断 singletonInstance 是否实现了 SmartInitializingSingleton 接口
if (singletonInstance instanceof SmartInitializingSingleton smartSingleton) {
StartupStep smartInitialize = this.getApplicationStartup().start("")
.tag("beanName", beanName);
......@@ -906,6 +906,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractApplicationContext extends DefaultResourceLoader
protected void initLifecycleProcessor() {
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = getBeanFactory();
// 1.判断BeanFactory是否已经存在生命周期处理器(固定使用beanName=lifecycleProcessor)
if (beanFactory.containsLocalBean(LIFECYCLE_PROCESSOR_BEAN_NAME)) {
this.lifecycleProcessor =
beanFactory.getBean(LIFECYCLE_PROCESSOR_BEAN_NAME, LifecycleProcessor.class);
......@@ -913,8 +914,10 @@ public abstract class AbstractApplicationContext extends DefaultResourceLoader
logger.trace("Using LifecycleProcessor [" + this.lifecycleProcessor + "]");
} else {
// 1.2 如果不存在,则使用DefaultLifecycleProcessor
DefaultLifecycleProcessor defaultProcessor = new DefaultLifecycleProcessor();
// 并将 DefaultLifecycleProcessor 作为默认的生命周期处理器,注册到 BeanFactory 中
this.lifecycleProcessor = defaultProcessor;
beanFactory.registerSingleton(LIFECYCLE_PROCESSOR_BEAN_NAME, this.lifecycleProcessor);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
......@@ -987,6 +990,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractApplicationContext extends DefaultResourceLoader
// Initialize LoadTimeWeaverAware beans early to allow for registering their transformers early.
// 3.初始化LoadTimeWeaverAware Bean实例对象
String[] weaverAwareNames = beanFactory.getBeanNamesForType(LoadTimeWeaverAware.class, false, false);
for (String weaverAwareName : weaverAwareNames) {
......@@ -996,9 +1000,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractApplicationContext extends DefaultResourceLoader
// Allow for caching all bean definition metadata, not expecting further changes.
// 4.冻结所有bean定义,注册的bean定义不会被修改或进一步后处理,因为马上要创建 Bean 实例对象了
// Instantiate all remaining (non-lazy-init) singletons.
// 5.实例化所有剩余(非懒加载)单例对象
......@@ -1010,15 +1016,19 @@ public abstract class AbstractApplicationContext extends DefaultResourceLoader
protected void finishRefresh() {
// Clear context-level resource caches (such as ASM metadata from scanning).
// 清除资源缓存
// Initialize lifecycle processor for this context.
// 1.为此上下文初始化生命周期处理器
// Propagate refresh to lifecycle processor first.
// 2.首先将刷新完毕事件传播到生命周期处理器(触发isAutoStartup方法返回true的SmartLifecycle的start方法)
// Publish the final event.
// 3.推送上下文刷新完毕事件到相应的监听器
publishEvent(new ContextRefreshedEvent(this));
......@@ -139,9 +139,12 @@ public class DefaultLifecycleProcessor implements LifecycleProcessor, BeanFactor
// Internal helpers
private void startBeans(boolean autoStartupOnly) {
// 1.获取所有的Lifecycle bean
Map<String, Lifecycle> lifecycleBeans = getLifecycleBeans();
// 将Lifecycle bean 按阶段分组,阶段通过实现Phased接口得到
Map<Integer, LifecycleGroup> phases = new TreeMap<>();
// 2.遍历所有Lifecycle bean,按阶段值分组
lifecycleBeans.forEach((beanName, bean) -> {
if (!autoStartupOnly || (bean instanceof SmartLifecycle && ((SmartLifecycle) bean).isAutoStartup())) {
int phase = getPhase(bean);
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